Boost Your Brain Health

An elderly couple engages in a fun activity together, with the woman smiling and holding a small object while the man looks on. A healthcare worker is seen in the background, contributing to a warm, supportive environment.

About 1 in 10 adults experience worsening memory loss or cognitive decline, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dementias start with mild memory loss and can lead to an inability to carry on conversations or respond to one’s environment. Improving your brain health can help you stay sharp as you age.…

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ERISA Penalties: Employer Fined for Failing to Provide Mental Health Benefits Information

A woman consults with a therapist, holding a tissue. Text overlay discusses ERISA penalties related to mental health benefits. The "SIA Blogs" logo is displayed in the lower-right corner.

The U.S. District Court for the District of Montana recently awarded over $32,000 in penalties against an employer’s self-insured health plan and its third-party administrator (TPA) for failing to provide requested information to a plan participant. This case involved a dispute over mental health benefits and underscores the importance of promptly responding to participants’ information…

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Unveiling Anxiety and Panic Disorder

A person sits with hands clasped together, fingers nervously intertwined, conveying a moment of anxiety or contemplation. The caption reads, "Unveiling Anxiety and Panic Disorder: Shedding Light on the Numbers," with the SIA Blogs logo.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not uncommon to experience occasional stress or worry. However, for millions of individuals worldwide, anxiety and panic disorders represent a constant battle that significantly impacts their daily lives. In this blog post, we will delve into the realm of anxiety and panic disorders, exploring their prevalence, symptoms, and the profound…

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Stress Awareness Month

A woman sits with her hands covering her face, expressing distress or overwhelm. She appears to be struggling with stress, highlighting the theme of Stress Awareness Month.

Whether you’re at home, the office, or at your kid’s soccer game— stressors exist everywhere, all of the time. We know that reducing stress is important, but did you know that long-term exposure to stress can lead to a variety of health issues like:

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