How to Read an Experience Modification Worksheet

What is an Experience Modification Worksheet?

An experience modification worksheet, also known as an experience rating worksheet or experience mod worksheet, is essential for determining a company’s EMR. This worksheet helps employers and insurers evaluate and manage workplace safety, resulting in fair insurance premiums and safer work environments.

Understanding the Experience Modification Rating (EMR)

An experience modification rating (EMR) provides a numeric factor for adjusting workers’ compensation insurance premiums based on a company’s claims history.

Key Elements of an Experience Modification Worksheet

1. Basic Information:

Details: Includes business name, address, policy number, rating period effective date, and a risk identification number. Ensuring accuracy in this section is critical.

2. Policy Period:

Timeframe: Specifies the period for EMR calculation, typically spanning three years but excluding the most recent year.

3. Claims Data:

Information: Details each workers’ compensation claim, including claim number, injury date, injury type, amount paid, and reserve amount.

4. Expected Losses:

Industry Standards: Lists expected losses based on industry standards and actuarial data. It indicates the average losses for businesses in the same industry.

5. Experience Modifier Calculation:



Actual Primary Losses: Total paid for all primary losses during the experience period.

Expected Primary Losses: Expected amount of primary losses based on industry standards.

6. Impact on Premium:

EMR Influence: The EMR directly influences the insurance premium. An EMR of 1.0 is average; below 1.0 indicates lower risk (reduced premiums), above 1.0 indicates higher risk (increased premiums).

7. Risk Classification:

Discount Ratio: May include a discount ratio (D-ratio) to determine the portion of losses expected to be primary losses.

8. Experience Rating Adjustment:

Additional Factors: Any additional factors affecting the EMR, such as state-specific adjustments or discounts.

9. Loss Data Summary:

Overview: Provides a summary of actual losses, expected losses, and the resulting experience modifier for quick assessment.

10. Appeals and Disputes:

Process: Information on how to appeal or dispute the EMR or claims data if inaccuracies are believed to exist.

Importance of Experience Modification Worksheets

Experience modification worksheets are crucial for managing workers’ compensation insurance costs and improving workplace safety. By understanding the components and accurately maintaining records, businesses can ensure their EMR reflects their claims history, directly impacting insurance premiums.


Understanding and utilizing an experience modification worksheet is vital for businesses to manage workers’ compensation insurance costs effectively and promote a safer work environment. Accurate EMR calculations encourage companies to implement better safety practices, ultimately leading to lower insurance premiums.


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